Monday, April 17, 2006

Viva Las Vegas

So this weekend I went to Paris, Venice, and New York, stopped overnight in the Middle East, visited the pyramids and oh, yeah, saw a medieval castle and a pirate ship.

Yep, I was in Las Vegas, Nevada. On "the strip", you can visit almost any fantasy world you want. Including the fantasy of winning a million.

Heading to Las Vegas over Easter weekend is sort of like creating a collision of worship: resurrection versus acquisition. (Although in Vegas, the desire to acquire can lead to quite the opposite effect - depletion. Or should I say donation - to the Gods of the corporate world).


Anonymous said...

Hope you didn't get too "depleted".

Happy Owl said...

I spent most of my gambling time playing those high-stakes penny slots. I guess I'm not too devoted to the religion of acquisition :)

...I think my losses for the weekend totalled 3 USD.