I just bought someone two chickens for Christmas. I was thinking about getting the goat - but I decided that it was probably more than I was willing to spend.
Quoi on earth is she talking about, you're asking yourself. Well, I went shopping at Oxfam Unwrapped... where the money I spend goes directly to fund projects in developing nations that involve the gifts I chose. So in Ethiopia, women are being trained in poultry production. It's part of a program that
"is aimed at increasing women’s economic wealth, their ownership and responsibility in managing household assets and their involvement in decision-making that affects their lives and their community"
Sounds good to me. Basically, the women who sign up get to start out with twelve chicks and enough grain to feed them for a year.
Apparently the local market for both chickens and eggs has improved over the past few years...
...although it's not clear which improved first.
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